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Writer's pictureTony Zekveld

God Made You Special

Hearing this truth is refreshing in contrast to the lies we repeatedly hear or are taught. Our public schools exclude “God” and “creation” from its curriculum. This exclusion means the inclusion of many theories about who ‘man’ is and his origins. Man or woman is not seen to be essentially different from an animal except ‘higher’ on the evolutionary ladder, having evolved from an animal.

Ideas have consequences; that is, moral implications follow. Ideas do not remain in the classroom. Ideas are lived out. It should not surprise us, therefore, when men and women are no longer deemed productive and useful to a society, they can be readily disposed of.

In our society and nation this has opened the door to legalizing medically assisted suicide among the elderly, and the physically disabled in 2016. According to CTV, more than 10,000 Canadians received medically assisted death in 2021 alone! And in March 2023 the Canadian government will open up assisted suicide to Canadians with mental illness.

Ideas have consequences.

Since 1988, there are no laws protecting the unborn in Canada. This is when the Supreme Court struck down Canada’s abortion law. The baby is not deemed a ‘person’ until he or she is born. Since that time, an average of 100,000 babies are legally murdered each year.

Ideas are lived out.

But God IS. He made us. He made man and woman unique and in His own image. Each person is special and unique, created in God’s image, from the moment of conception until the day God chooses to bring his or her life to an end. Each person is created in God’s image, including the physically and mentally handicapped and the aged woman who suffers from dementia.

The Bible says, “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb; I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well” (Psalm 139:13-14).

You are created in God’s image. This truth is refreshing to hear and must be fought for. We need to turn away from our theories and embrace Christ by faith in whom we come to know the truth!

If you have opportunity check out the Association for Reformed Political Action (ARPA Canada) at Write to your MP. Write a letter to your editor. Sign a petition. Defend life.

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